So what do you do when your little one has been cleared by the head pediatric hematologist in the most renown military hospital, cleared by her primary care physician, and even denied enrollment in EFMP, and some dude in an overseas screening office decides that's not good enough, and can't even come up with a single reason for denial but denies her anyway?
Well, remember that one time....probably a few days ago, I mentioned sort of in passing that I knew we needed two complete plans for either outcome?
Well, our new plan is to go through a complete congressional inquiry into the situation, have all our friends write to the senators and local governments, contact the news outlets, and never give up!
Nah, I'm just kidding!
See, I planned everything around today. Why? Because today is the day my first pattern gets released.
Yes. MY pattern!! I've been playing with the idea of becoming a designer for a few months, and reached out to Sunflower Seams about possibly making the switch to the design team.
I was going to wait for our big trip to Japan, because I knew I could study and learn on the way and through our two week quarantine, but in the six weeks of waiting for a decision, I decided I was already waiting around, and should just DO it.
So I had to leave my other pattern testing might remember those posts a few weeks ago. I jumped right in. CC and Grandma helped a lot with the little ones while I plowed through the courses. I already had my first design - I made it for the Wanderlust strike sew! I wanted something that could be useful for custom fabric panels, main and coordinating fabric.
And so Pepper was born! It's been such a trip getting this idea from my sketchbook onto the computer, and into other peoples homes and watch my testers make it!! It definitely wasn't perfect the first time....or third or fourth.....sorry testers! But through the process of testing, and a lot of headaches and tweaking, Pepper was ready to release.
Interestingly enough, today we were also supposed to close on our new home.
Yes.....our new home. But obviously....our journey just keeps going, doesn't it...
Happy Sewing!!