I recently showed off many new dresses on baby Bug, and since I was telling the long story of our nightmare failed PCS I didn't want to stop and say something like, "But here's baby girl wearing..."
So I'll do that now.
Pattern - Positano from Little Lizard King
Fabric - Knitorious Custom Fabric
Pattern - Magnolia from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - Craft Heart, Iwakuni Japan
Pattern - Marigold/Jasmine mash from Peony Patterns
Fabric - Fabric.com
Pattern - Mash of Jasmine from Peony Patterns and Lund from Little Lizard King
Fabric - Joann Fabric Store
Pattern - Gardenia/Laurel mash from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - Etsy international seller
Pattern - Venice/Aarhus mash from Little Lizard King
Fabric - Fabric.com
Pattern - Pepper from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - Dream Seams
Pattern - Pepper from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - Wee Little Things
Pattern - Pepper from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - Wanderlust Custom Fabric
Pattern - Pepper from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - Wee Little Things
Pattern - Cornflower from Sunflower Seams Pattern Co
Fabric - knitfabric.com
Happy sewing!!